Saturday, September 29, 2007

How to request the Traditional Latin Mass

As per the Holy Father's Motu Proprio, Catholics interested in requesting the Traditional Latin Mass in their Diocese should write their Pastor. If you receive a negative reply or no reply after repeated attempts, you are encouraged to write the Bishop of the Diocese.
Sample letters can be found here:

Reason for the site

As of this posting, there are no Traditional Latin Masses offered in the entire state of Mississippi. This site was created in order to facilitate obtaining and preserving a Traditional Latin Mass on the Mississippi Gulfcoast, namely the Diocese of Biloxi. In response to the Holy Father's recent Motu Proprio, the Una Voce-Southern Mississippi Chapter looks forward to working toward this goal. Our wish is that those interested will make use of the tools found on this site to encourage the Biloxi Diocese to once again offer the Traditional Latin Mass. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or if you have any new information that we could use towards this goal.